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INOVUES Glazing Shield™ System Passes Industry Tests

INOVUES announces that its Glazing Shield™ system has passed multiple laboratory and field tests per industry standards successfully. The tests were performed by Intertek-ATI, a leading testing facility, and included air infiltration per ASTM E283; static water penetration per ASTM E331; dynamic water penetration per AAMA 501.1 under 110, 130, and 140 MPH wind; structural performance per ASTM E330 under 1x and 1.5x design load; thermal performance per AAMA 1503; and sound transmission loss per ASTM E90.

The tests were performed twice on two identical 53" x 77" single-glazed curtainwall panels — one acted as a baseline scenario and one had Inovues Glazing Shield™ GS100LF (with 1/4" Low-e laminated glass) attached to it. The panel with the GS100LF passed all the tests while the other one did not. Also, the thermal performance test showed that Inovues GS100LF reduced the rate of heat loss through the curtainwall panel (total system U-factor) by nearly 50% and increased the condensation resistance (CRF) by over 220% — the test report also highlighted that there were no signs of condensation/frost at the conclusion of the test. Additionally, the acoustic test showed that the GS100LF improved the outside/inside transmission class (OITC) rating of the curtainwall panel by 3 points and the sound transmission class (STC) rating by 7 points, which is equal to about 35% noise reduction. The test reports are available upon request.

Update - December 12, 2018:

Inovues announces that units of its Glazing Shield™ system have completed the Standard Test Method for Insulating Glass Unit Performance per ASTM E2188 successfully. This accelerated weathering test is intended to evaluate the performance and durability of insulating glass (IG) units that are typically produced by architectural glass manufacturers in a fabrication facility. The test specimens are exposed to harsh weather conditions for 4 months simulating 20+ years of performance. Per ASTM E2188, The qualification of test specimens is based on frost/dew point and on the absence of fog/condensation after the specified test durations. The final frost/dew points shall be -40°C or colder when measured in accordance with Test Method E546 or equivalent.


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